What is vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a relatively frequent skin disorder. It affects 0.5 to 2% of the worldwide population. Women and men are equally affected. Vitiligo presents with white patches…

Open clinical trials

A clinical trial is a biomedical research on Man aiming to improve biological or medical knowledge and/or to develop better therapeutic approaches.

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Research issues

With the identification of biologic and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of vitiligo, new treatments are currently developed. Among them, systemic treatments for patients with widespread and/or very active disease, but also topical approaches for repigmenting patches resistant to current treatments. These new treatments are first proposed in clinical trials. These clinical trials are highly supervised and allow proposing the latest advances in optimum safety conditions. At the time, supporting fundamental and translational researches remains mandatory to better understand the mechanisms involved in the depigmentation of the skin but also to study the pathways that allow melanocytes to recolonize the affected skin for repigmenting the lesional patches.